Blue Jacket All-Purpose Flour is proudly unbleached and superfine - comparable to Japanese flour quality and fineness.
No.1 trusted Taiwanese product - great resultant colour, silky tissues and browning-reaction resistant
Milled from top grades of Western Canada Hard Red Spring Wheat (CWRS)
For buns, hand-pulled noodles and ramen, scallion pancake, dimsum skin, waffles, cookies and more
台湾水手牌 - 特级粉心粉
BLUE JACKET All-Purpose Flour
Send us a pre-order message and we'll update you on the earliest shipment :)
Ash 灰份: 0.36% - 0.30%
Moisture 水分: 14% max
Protein 蛋白质: 10.8% - 11.7%
Wet gluten 湿筋值: 30.0% - 32.5%
Weight: 1kg (net)
Wheat flour (100%)
This product contains wheat gluten